Thursday, April 7, 2011

Double Pointed Instruments of Torture

So I've finished my Honey Cowl and seriously don't let your stitches twist!  It looks great and I love it but that will always bother me about it. I have half a mind to pull it all out and start over but my long-neglected sweater calls to me.

So I finally cowboyed up and started on the sleeves. So far I am not loving it. Those double pointed needles are pesky and troublesome. And do you know how long it took me to realize why I kept getting garter stitch instead of stockinette? I forgot that because I'm working in the round and not flipping my work I need to purl not knit. Anyhoo, the DP needles are seriously a drag right now, it seems like it's going to take forever to finish just one sleeve. They feel awkward and clumsy. On the other hand it's a good skill to have and I realized as I looked at my Droid phone today that it could help me make a cozy for my phone. Away to to research patterns!

P.S. Also... my other sleeve has some busted sticthes in the bound off section. I have NO idea what I did. I will need Sensai no doubt.

P.P.S. StringRBell a.k.a. Tupelo Honey a.k.a Puppy - do not be alarmed by my sweater malfunctions as you prepare to begin your own garment!  I'm just finding all the wrong ways to do it so that your path will be clear and free of worry :)

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